
Showing posts from August, 2022

Ameet Parekh Review | WHY DO EMPLOYEES LEAVE

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to the next episode of business on chai.  As usual Ameet Parekh will discuss something that will help you build a more profitable and scalable business.  And today we will talk about something that is a pain in almost all business owner’s life  People Come And Then They Leave  And you are hung out for dry  And we will try to understand why that happens  So Here Are The Top Reasons Why People Leave From Any Business   #1) Handling Too Many Responsibilities  now here is one of the big reasons why people leave  because they are given too many responsibilities to take care of  now I know this is something many of us have been told that you should be good at multitasking but when it comes to professional tasks  Any Employee Handling More Than 4 Responsibilities Will Always Lead To Disaster in Their Job Role  and this is one of the big reasons why people want to get o...


One Of the Biggest Dilemma That a Business Owner Faces Is What To Focus On Quality Or Growth. Because when you focus on growth you tend to lose out on the quality of your products and services and when you try to stick on maintaining your product or service quality you lose out on growing andexpanding the business.   Ameet Parekh do have a personal belief that as a business owner we should not to strive for perfection rather look for ways in which you can create progress.   But having said that it is extremely important to not lose either of the aspect when building your business.   So, Let’s Understand A Powerful Framework That Can Help You Maintain And Upgrade The Quality Of Your Product And Services While You Are Scaling Or Focusing On The Growth Of Your Business.   1.     StandardizeBusiness Processes:   The First Rule Of Controlling The Quality Of Your Products And Services Is Standardising Your Processes.   W...